Inspired from within.
I do not consider my self a writer but it has always been my dream to put something together to share a bit of myself with all of you. Sometimes we may have dreams but if the dreams are not supported by actions those dreams will never be a reality. Rising from the Dust – A Woman’s Journey to Self Discovery is a personal life story. Sharing how i have overcome fear, uncertainty, self-sabotage, adversity and many other things you could possibly think of, to loving the woman i am now. The journey has not been easy but its been worthwhile. Writing this book has been a true labor of pure love. It is my sincere hope that when the going gets tough you know you are not alone. This book is for you. The reality is, no one said life will be always ‘rosy’ and sometimes the people who should hold our hands are the ones who are letting us down, but feeling sorry to ourselves never changes the situation, instead we need to stand up and believe in our self.
”Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us”