Did you know….
Hi All,
I hope you are all doing well. Its been a while since I shared something with you all. The last couple of months have been really a life changer for me. You know how every once in a while when you do something and the little voice inside you says ‘yes’ but then there is the other part of you that can lead you to doubt it and say well its not the right time yet! Last week, I was meant to travel to Nairobi to finalize all the paper work with the printers and the distributor, but in that process something else happened that almost resulted in me cancelling the whole trip. However, there was part of me that kept on murmuring “you need to go and find your way when you get there”. So, what I did, I listened to my internal voice that urged me to go and the next day early in the morning off I went to the airport to board the plane. I hate to say it but I was still not sure whether everything would go as I wanted. But, to my surprise (or maybe not!?), when I got into Nairobi more doors opened for me that I did not consider to open at this time of my journey. This experience has made me change my perception about life “when we are doubting or terrified to do something, lets not stop doing it but go on with it and have the courage to pursue it”.
Have you been in a doubtful situation! How did you handle it? I would love to hear your stories….