Has Your Mind Crossed Over?

Its the 34th day of  the 365 days of 2019. Has your mind crossed over yet or you are still living in 2018 thinking of all the mistakes that you did, the setbacks, the unfinished goals, the doors that were slammed on your face, the rejection…….. and the list goes on and on and on. There is a big  deception that occurs at the beginning of every year. people are grateful that they made it through the challenges and the ups and downs of the previous year.

The big question however is this Even though you made it  and crossed over into 2019 what are you going to make out of it.    Well if you wish to move on then its about time you start offloading  all the things that do not uplift, and the I’ll do it tomorrow’ syndrome.

Every New Year, every new month, every new week and indeed every new day presents us with opportunities. Opportunities that can help us to learn and grow. They represent the fresh buttons of the universe and present us with golden opportunities to say goodbye to the old and to welcome the new.

However what makes the year, month, week or day new is not the number. It is not the calendar. What makes it new is YOU. Even though you made it, did your mind make it too?

While everyone will rejoice and celebrate a new year, the truth is that some people are still in 2018. Its one thing for the calendar to say 2019 and its another thing for the mind to have progressed  that far.

We  must always ensure that we are  living in the new and not just a continuation of the previous year. We need to be intentional to go past the old limiting thoughts. My question to you today is. Did you start off this year with the intention that “This is my year” yet already find yourself saying “maybe in a few months”?

“Tomorrow Syndrome” is an epidemic, But a cure. In order to win your own “later game”, you must first name it. Then you can begin to challenge your own habitual self-sabotaging reasoning. Once you pinpoint WHAT you keep telling yourself about why you can’t start now, you can then decide to have a new kind of experience with decision-making, moving forward despite your “later logic” – and finally let your HEART be heard and take the lead.
Waiting doesn’t serve you. Admit it and do something about it immediately.

Decide that TODAY IS YOUR SOMEDAY and take action that will set you up with the accountability and support to ensure you stay on track. Your future is yours to create and you are right on the cusp of it’s creation… By deciding to act NOW on your desired future, you’ll be setting yourself up with personalized support, a community that gets it and is in the same process right along with you, and a fast-track action plan to get you on the path of your own choosing.

Remember Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door.” so “Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.”

Now let me encourage you, start where you are  use what you have to create and make that which sets your heart on fire. If you want to see a difference in 2019 then  you need to be intentional with your choices. Lets start with what we can be thankful for and get  our mind into that vibration and then watch the good that starts to come.




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