Awaken to a life of purpose

Awaken to a life of purpose

I have come to learn that what makes a new year new is you and not the numbers on the calendar. Even though we have all been blessed with a new year, did your mind make a transition to new? We must make sure that we are living in the new and not thinking old thoughts of inadequacy. What leads to a renewed mind is how one courageously makes a change in the pattern of one’s thoughts. A person can choose to dive into a deeper level of maturity. As you grow in maturity each day, you begin to think new and progressive thoughts instead of creating a continuation of an old existence. I think that God has a plan for each hour, day, week, and month of your life. Each new day brings forth all the materials, wisdom, and knowledge that we need to build and support us. All these blessings help us to be able to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. This new way of thinking offers hope that all that was learned from the previous year can become a blessing. A new positive perspective for the new year will bring forth all that we are meant to receive.

The secret to living your best life starts with how you approach every new morning, because tomorrow is never guaranteed. The choice we make when we awaken influences whether we will embrace our potential, explore our possibilities, or live fully in our purpose. We get this one life to live, and I am sure that you, like me, want to live it well. You cannot do anything about the past, except learn from those experiences. Although you don’t know what the future holds, each day you can make up your mind to do your best.

Don’t start your day off feeling sad and guilty about the things that didn’t go well yesterday or recalling all the mistakes you made; rather, get up every morning expectant that it is going to be a fantastic day. Instead of starting the day with social media, start your day off right. I find the first few minutes when you awaken to be crucial. They set the tone of your day, so you want to start right with God. Thank him for his unfailing love and mercies that are new every day and don’t take life for granted. The ability to awaken and be able to open your eyes to see the sun penetrating through your bedroom window is, in itself, a miracle.

In this weekly devotional, I want to remind you to be intentional about how you live your life. I wish I had learned this at an early age since I could have lived differently, even in the stormy seasons. I now know that I had a choice, but when I look back in some cases, I didn’t make the correct one. I allowed the chaos to be loud and dictate my life.

I write and share about the seasons I have experienced in my life in the hope that it might encourage you, help you grow, and inspire you. My wish is that it will help you make choices today that will build the tomorrow of your dreams. Your life can be transformed if you change your thinking patterns. No matter where you are in life or what challenges you face, you can start to enjoy your life right now.

These devotions are written to inspire you as you go about living life. I have selected passages from my book Transform Fear into Freedom that felt particularly suitable for inspirational and meditative reading. For this reason, I do not recommend that you read this book all the way through in one sitting. It would be more beneficial to read one chapter and then then following week reread it to see if the words have sunk in and become manifest. And so on and so on. 

This weekly devotional offers encounters that are personal whispers of God’s Spirit to the chambers of my own soul. These passages and devotional thoughts have inspired and encouraged me. At other times, they have challenged me, but most of all, transformed me.

I pray you will be beckoned to transformation as you turn the pages of this devotional. That you will be refocused and sense the truth that has changed lives and align to the One who wants to awaken you, each dawn, to the whisper of His voice.

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